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It is all too easy to rant and rave about the wrongs, but I really believe the more we focus on what’s wrong, the more wrong there is, whether reality or mere perception.

I also believe that we Americans have become complacent. How many generations must die to protect our freedoms, before we remember to use the most basic forms? I am probably the worst offender on this count. Dealing with all I have on my plate may be an excuse, but it is a weak one. Democracy only works if we are all participating.

On that note, I’d like to tip my hat to someone I doubt knows the meaning of the word complacency. He’d probably blush at the description, but in my less than humble opinion, he’s the embodiment of what is best about the US. His story is one that has been told countless times before, the every man who stands up to the establishment. Unfortunately life rarely imitates fiction, and whistleblowers rarely get Hollywood endings. Yet this story is more engaging than any Hollywood could churn out, if for no other reason than the sheer brilliance of the central figure. That his brilliance is but a speck compared to his dedication and courage makes him all the more appealing. I wish there were more people like him.

My Grandfather was my father figure, and he had more integrity in his pinkie than most people I’ve known. Some might think him unyielding and set in his ways, but nothing could be further from the truth. He would give you the shirt of his back if you looked like you needed one. He would point out the cliff you were pelting towards, and then grab your hand to keep you falling over the edge. When he was in his 80s, a dear friend had gender reassignment surgery. Most of their friends abandoned her, either on moral or religious grounds, and likely some level of discomfort. My Grandfather remained close to her person until his death. That was a rare response 20+ years ago. He was kind, loving, compassionate, and just.

What little I know of Justen Deal reminds me of my Grandfather, the most honorable man I have ever known.

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